Why I cannot do without these powerful mintballs

Not only am I the managing director of a leading oral health company, one of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. I’m also co-author of the Dutch bestseller ‘Lefwijf’ and a motivational speaker. My life is one big chaos. As an international entrepreneur, I travel a lot and run from appointment to appointment. In my hectic life no two days are the same. I’m often in Berlin, London and Paris for business meetings and dinners. For me it is imperative to stay fresh and on top of my game. These mintballs always travel along with me, wherever I go.

Pro-biotic mint balls to elevate confidence and well-being

As a healthy lifestyle influencer, I am highly motivated to live a life of the highest quality and to share my vision with as many people as possible. I’m positive, extremely athletic, passionate and have a deep love for life. In my opinion entrepreneurship is like being a professional athlete. Exactly the reason why I have developed a super healthy lifestyle. Each morning I jump out of bed at 5 am. Then my miracle morning routine begins. Two hours of meditation, breathwork and sports after that it’s time to help my kids get ready for school. I eat very healthy and organic, no dairy products and I quit drinking alcohol two years ago. The pro-biotic mint balls help me enormously. I feel confident, fresh. It’s such a nice idea that I can work on my health and well-being in this easy way.

bluem mintballs in car
Great to be alert during long drives through Germany
bluem mintballs between meetings
Between meetings I like to shop my favorite European brands 
bluem mintballs in handbag
Always in my handbag!

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