Problem care
Dental Plaque
Plaque mostly accumulates on places where people do not brush and/or forget to brush. During the day everyone will get some plaque on their teeth.
Peri-Implantitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Peri-implantitis, an infectious disease that causes inflammation of gum and bone structure around dental implant. Very risky and dangerous. Treat with care!
Oral Ulcers: causes, symptoms and treatment
Oral ulcers, also known as aphthous ulcers, are painful sores in the mouth. Usually harmless and self-healing. Hard to prevent, easy to treat!
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10 remedies to treat Angular Cheilitis
Angular Cheilitis is an Inflammation at one or both corners of the mouth. Knows as cracked lips. Get these Angular Cheilitis treatment tips
Oral lichen planus
Oral Lichen Planus, a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease. Affects oral mucosa. Difficult to prevent & treat.
Oral Mucositis
Inflamed and white or grey sores indicate Oral Mucositis. Undergoing Chemo- or Radiotherapy? Then you can develop this condition.
Sensitive teeth
Sensitive teeth. Is the taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee sometimes a painful experience?
Inflamed gums (Gingivitis): causes, symptoms and treatment
Inflamed gums can be caused by bacteria in the plaque. Read how to treat Inflamed Gums.
Periodontitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Periodontitis, a serious gum inflammation, can result in loss of teeth or implants. Very dangerous for overall health. How to take care of Periodontitis?