5 Tips for improving your oral health

Your oral health goes beyond pearly whites and glimmering smiles. It is interlinked with your overall health as well. Therefore, it’s imperative that you take good care of your oral health if you don’t want to suffer any severe complications.

Poor Oral Health Leads to Poor Overall Health

An example of a severe complication from poor oral hygiene is cardiovascular disease or also known as heart disease. In a nutshell, periodontitis means inflammation in areas surrounding the tooth. Often referred to as gum disease, it damages the soft tissues and bones around your teeth causing infection and leading to inflammation.

So what is the connection between your heart and your gums? Your arteries, that’s what. The bacteria in periodontal diseases travel through your bloodstream and into your arteries. When this happens, your arteries harden which is a process called atherosclerosis. This causes plaque to build upon the inner lining of your arteries which coagulates overtime. But that’s not even the issue yet. The plaque buildup can decrease the blood flow which in turn, results in heart attacks.

That’s just one complication. You may also deal with diabetic complications, lung infections, and more. If you want to keep your overall health in tiptop condition, start with your oral health and everything else will follow. Here are the top five tips you can try.

5 Tips to Improve Oral Health

1. Opt for Soft-Bristled Brushes

It can be convenient using toothbrushes with hard bristles as they quickly scrub off the walls of your teeth or remove remaining food particles. However, what you may not realize is that hard bristles can damage the enamel of your teeth. Some effects are as harmful as receding your gum line. Most dentists recommend that you use a sturdy, soft-bristled brush to clean your teeth, tongue, and gums gently.

2. Clean Your Entire Mouth Properly

Your dentist in West Columbia SC reminds you to brush your teeth at least twice a day; once in the morning and once in the evening. However, if you can brush your teeth after every meal, then much better.  Also, don’t just clean your teeth. Bacteria can reside on your tongue and gums too. So brush your tongue and gums gently. Make sure to use the right toothpaste

Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

  •    Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
  •    Brush in tooth-wide strokes as gently as you can.
  •    Start from the outer walls, inner walls, then move onto the rims of the teeth.
  •    Clean the inner walls of the front teeth by vertically tilting the brush and doing the same gentle strokes.
  •    Brush for two minutes.

3. Get into the Habit of Flossing

Some people tend to overlook flossing daily. But don’t you know that your mouth is the dirtiest body part of all? Lots of food and beverages go into your mouth daily. It’s essential that you floss at least once a day or before bedtime to remove all the food crumbs stuck in hard-to-brush areas.

Rinsing with mouthwash is also a good practice as it fights off the germs that your mouth accumulates throughout the day.

4. Stick to a Healthy Diet

Sugar-filled food and drinks will wreak havoc on your teeth in the long run. Eating unhealthy and unnaturally sweet food can lead to bacteria development and cavities. Eat healthier food such as fruits, grains, fish, vegetables, and more organic options. Don’t forget to use a high quality supplement.

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly.

A good rule of thumb is to visit your dentist semi-annually. Although your teeth and gums may seem fine on the outside, there are other signs and symptoms that only the experts can detect. So it’s essential to always keep up-to-date with dental appointments. After all, a trip to the dentist twice a year doesn’t seem to be a tedious and time-consuming obligation.

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