Struggling with a bad breath? Make sure you don’t suffer while wearing a face mask

On January 11th, 2020 the first Corona-death was reported. To prevent death caused by infection with COVID-19 as much as possible, a lot of people wear face masks. Sometimes not entirely voluntary, but because they have to, due to legal changes. A lot of us are already used to this new reality. You can’t leave your face mask at home when you want to go somewhere. Even if it’s not obligated, it’s something you do for the wellbeing of people around you. Not everyone likes to wear one. One of the reasons is the constant presence of your own breath. That can be a confrontation on it’s own. Maybe you realized a suretend smell you don’t particularly like. One in four people has a chronically bad breath, also known as halitosis. There are a lot of misconceptions about bad breath and let’s not forget it’s still a taboo too. We saw a golden opportunity to help you with a smelly breath.

Confrontation before movement

Making a change can be hard. Did you know that there are two emotions that make people want to move forward? Pain and pleasure. If you really want things to go in a different route, it’s necessary to really feel why you want to make a change. In this case, the face mask is the indicator. You have no other choice then smelling your own breath constantly, so there is no way you can avoid it any longer. If you were insecure before the COVID-19 situation, you know the time to make a change has come. At this point you are very aware of the smell of your breath and decide to focus on a balanced oral care routine.

Find the cause of the problem and overcome it

A bad breath can be traced to an internal or external problem. External problems can be the kind of drinks and foods you consume. When you eat products like fish, garlic or union it can trigger a bad breath. Alcohol and smoking can have a negative influence on your breath as well. Maybe the smell originates from your body, we call that internal problems. For example inflammation of the gums, a dry mouth or illnesses such as diabetes. But we have good news, the biggest cause is neither one of the options above. In a lot of cases it’s just a congestion of bacteria on your tongue or in the back of your mouth. Easy to prevent and easy to overcome. Brushing your teeth two times a day is essential for a fresh and healthy breath. Do you want to boost your confidence and your breath? Mouthwash is the ideal product to help you with that. But the tongue scraper is the ultimate ‘secret weapon’. 

Keep your tongue clean

Like we said before; Keeping your tongue clean and fresh is very important when you want to achieve and maintain a fresh breath. You have to realize that your tongue touches a lot of different foods and drinks during the day. So keeping it clean is crucial for having a good breath. If you don’t have a tongue scraper, you can clean your tongue with a normal toothbrush as well. Just put some toothpaste on your toothbrush and start brushing your tongue. You can do this very easily after you brushed your teeth like you would normally. blue®m understands that this method is not perfect, so we decided to develop a tongue scraper. It’s not available just yet, but it won’t take long until this ‘secret weapon’ will be available in our shop, so stay tuned.

Avoid some foods

You probably wear a face mask most of the time you spend outside your house. When you do, there are a couple of things you might want to avoid eating and/or drinking. It’s best to consume things like salami, heavy herbs and dairy after you had to wear your mask. Salami and herbs probably won’t come as a big surprise, but dairy? Yes, dairy too. It’s because of the protein’s dairy releases in the mouth. There are surtend bacteria in the mouth when consuming dairy, they cause the smell. 

Don’t forget to treat yourself kindly, especially in this surreal time. Buy yourself a beautiful and comfortable face mask. Invest in your oral care too, it can prevent a lot of smelly hours. Products like mouthspray or dental chewing gum are awesome to carry in your bag. You can use it when you feel like you need a fresh breath or when you just want some extra confidence. Stay healthy, stay safe!

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