The importance of good oral health

The definition of oral health is difficult to encompass. For us, a healthy mouth means good oral hygiene, good condition of teeth and gums, absence of inflammation and good oral function. In this article you can read what this means for your mouth and read what we recommend for optimal oral health.

Healthy gums, healthy mouth

Good oral hygiene is the foundation of a healthy mouth. The bacteria that lives in the mouth can easily spread to other parts of the body. When you have gum disease, these bacteria can cause problems elsewhere in the body.

It has been shown that respiratory problems, premature birth and cardiovascular disease, among other things, can be caused by bacteria that occur in gum disease. So, it is very important to keep your gums healthy and prevent inflammation!

Prevent cavities and gum disease

Not surprisingly, it is important to have regular checkups to see if you have any cavities. If you let the caries process run its course, tooth decay can lead to inflammation of a tooth. Your immune system reacts to this and will not be able to work as well as it should. In severe cases, persistent inflammation can even lead to the development of an autoimmune disease. 
Prevent cavities and also see your dentist regularly for checkups. Make sure you have a regular checkup at your dentist to prevent cavities. 

The dangers of poor oral function for the rest of your body

Being able to chew, speak and swallow properly are essential oral functions. In addition, the mouth also has a defense function: the mouth forms a barrier between the body and the outside world. When oral function is inadequate, it can lead to gastrointestinal problems, malnutrition, respiratory problems and mental health issues. So the phrase ‘watch your mouth’ is something you might want to keep in mind for a healthy body.

Our advice for a healthy mouth

But how do you ensure optimal oral health? Maintaining good oral hygiene, a healthy diet and lifestyle are the basics. This is how you prevent problems with your mouth and your overall health.

Try to follow the guidelines below on a daily basis:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes;
  • Once a day interdental cleaning: use toothpicks or interdental brushes.
  • Clean your tongue once a day
  • After brushing, rinse with a caring mouthwash

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