Increased chance of getting Corona in case of poor oral health

It has been scientifically proven that viruses do not pass through the skin or intact mucous membranes.
For this reason, it is very important that everyone maintains a high level of oral hygiene and that damage to the mucous membrane by sharp edges is prevented, for example by broken fillings. There is also a link between inflamed gums and the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

“Oral health is the gateway to a healthy body.”

Dutch source: Erik de Maijer | Tandarts | Ondernemer | Oprichter inzamelpunt voor THK edelmetalen voor borstkankeronderzoek

Marjolein van Dijk about the relationship between oral health and protecting yourself against the Coronavirus
Click here to read an English summery of this video

Pay close attention to your oral health during the coronavirus!

We understand that this pandemic is causing a wave of panic. Practices, businesses and shops are closed and daily life is limited as much as possible. We see a lot of people with stress and unanswered questions, although it is important to experience as little stress as possible. Stress has quite an impact on your immune system. 

The influence of stress on your immune system

What happens in your body when you’re under stress?  Stress is a complicated process but part of it is that your autonomic nervous system, (that part of the nervous system that goes completely automatically and which you yourself have no influence on), ensures that more adrenaline is produced. Adrenaline causes your heart rate and blood pressure to increase, more glucose is released which goes to your muscles to provide them with more energy, your senses become sharper, making you more alert and your pain sensitivity decreases. A few minutes after the production of the adrenaline there is a second process that starts under the influence of stress, namely the production of cortisol. Cortisol is produced in your adrenal glands, suppresses your immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. When the stressful moment is over, endorphins are produced. This substance ensures that your body comes to rest and can recover. That’s fine of course, when you are on the run for something, but what if you’re stressed all the time? Then your body doesn’t have a chance to recover and your immune system is depleted. If your body produces too much cortisol for too long, your body will automatically make you rest by putting your adrenal glands into a sort of energy-saving mode. This can indirectly lead to inflamed gums, for example, and make you more susceptible to diseases.

Also read for additional information:

Pay extra attention to your oral health!

Especially in these times when your resistance is extra important to arm yourself against the Coronavirus, it is important to take good care of your mouth. Bleeding gums are a sign of inflammation and your body is working hard to counteract this. Just at this moment your immune system can use the energy better in its defence against the Covid-19 virus.

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