Oral-B Superfloss vs iDontix X-Floss

When a tooth or molar is missing, a dental bridge is made in some cases to fill this space. A bridge spans a empty space by creating a ‘dummy ‘ in between, a fake tooth/molar. A fine solution but it requires the necessary cleaning effort. This time Liesbeth and Dyon are testing with what product you can most easily clean under your bridge.

This time the blue®m test panel is formed by two ladies who both have dental crowns and a bridge both in their mouths. Dyon is in her last year of studying Oral Health at the HAN University in Nijmegen. Thereby she has a lot of knowledge about the mouth and she’ll shine her expert light on the products that are tested. Liesbeth is living in Voorschoten and is a orthomolecular therapist by profession. She’s affected by inflamed gums from time to time.

Appearance iDontix X-Floss

Liesbeth: 5 stars

Looks attractive, that flashy green color.

Dyon: 4 stars

Nice colour, pretty appearance!

Appearance Oral-B Superfloss

Liesbeth: 3 stars

The packaging is neat, the floss is conveniently to take out. However, the letters on the packaging are too small, so unreadable for me.

Dyon: 4 stars

Neat appearance, more plain than the iDontix X-Floss.


User convenience iDontix X-Floss

Liesbeth: 1 stars

For me, the iDontix X-Floss was absolutely unusable, way too thick.

Dyon: 5 stars

It’s easy to put it on its location under my bridge. The X-Floss has a long range to move back and forth and is very elastic.

User convenience Oral-B Superfloss

Liesbeth: 3 stars

I had never thought about it that I had to clean under my bridge. It worked well; by sticking the floss between the dummy and under the bridge. However, it was time consuming fidgeting.

Dyon: 4 sars

Convenient to use! After I’ve cleaned under my bridge, I can easily just floss the rest of my teeth. The floss feels a bit uncomfortable.

Results iDontix X-Floss

Liesbeth: 1 stars

Gave up after the first attempt. For me, the iDontix X-Floss was absolutely unusable.

Dyon: 4 stars

My gums are healthy and the iDontix X-Floss feels soft. However, I find that compared to the  Oral-B Superfloss, it really is too wide to floss the rest of my teeth.

Results Oral-B Superfloss

Liesbeth: 2 sars

I don’t think I remove more plaque between my teeth with the Oral-B Superfloss than with (dental) tooth picks, for instance.

Dyon: 4 stars

Fine, healthy gums. I can also take away dental plaque in a good manner.

End result iDontix X-Floss

Liesbeth: 1 star

For my teeth, this tool is unusable. So my final rating is 1 star.

Dyon: 5 stars

I’ll definitely recommend it to patients because I feel it’s feels more friendly than Oral-B Superfloss. Besides that, I find that it really adds value when it comes cleaning the back of the last molars, as an alternative to gauze.

End result Oral-B Superfloss

Liesbeth: 2 stars

I’d never buy this. I don’t think I remove more plaque between my teeth with the Oral-B Superfloss than with (dental) tooth picks, or even quicker/more effective.

Dyon: 4 stars

I often recommend Oral-B to patients, but it feels pretty gritty. All in all, it’s a great product to clean with under your bridge!

If you’ve a bridge, don’t forget cleaning under it! Both the iDontic X-Floss and Oral-B Superfloss are available in the online shop, ‘Alles voor je tanden.’

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