Breakthrough scientific research: blue®m mouthwash more effective than Chlorhexidine

The University in Toronto has executed an in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of blue®m mouthwash. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the antibiofilm and antimicrobial effects of blue®m against the caries pathogen Streptococcus mutans.

bluem® mouthwash more effective on older thicker biofilm

In a scientific study, the Canadian microbiologist Céline Lévesque investigated the effect of blue®m mouthwash. This was done in combination with 0.12% chlorhexidine solution on the cultured biofilm of Streptococcus Mutans, obtained from the mouths of young patients with a high caries risk. Lévesque washed the cultivated biofilm of six hours, one day and three days for sixty seconds with respectively; sterile saline (control group), chlorhexidine and blue®m mouthwash.

The result of her research was that blue®m mouthwash had a significant reduction in the percentage of residual biofilm, especially on the one- and three-day biofilm. The percentage of cell death was above 97% for the bluem solution, compared to a maximum of 40% for chlorhexidine. In certain situations, blue®m was nearly 10 times more effective than chlorhexidine.

Dr. Céline M. Lévesque has concluded that blue®m mouthwash solution is effective in killing unicellular (plantonkic) and multicellular (biofilm) of S. mutans caries pathogens, and more effective than chlorhexidine. Interestingly, blue®m is particularly effective at killing older thicker biofilms (3-day-old) that are usually less susceptible to antimicrobial treatments than younger biofilms.

You can imagine these conclusions are an absolute breakthrough. It confirms what our founding father, dr. Peter Blijdorp, has said for decades.

Download the full report.

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