Healing Stimulators blue®m Oral Gel

Outcomes of Soft and Hard Tissue Management with Biomaterials and Implant Rehabilitation.  Chapter 7 of the eBook: CLINICAL IMPLANTOLOGY: FROM EXPERIENCE TO GREATNESS (2022)

The purpose of this chapter is to present the biomaterials options to achieve predictable soft and bone tissue repair or regeneration, as well as their indications and form of use and handling. At the end of the chapter, we will present the use of local therapy with a slow release of active oxygen to optimize the healing of soft tissues.


Authors: Marcos Motta, DDS, M.Sc.
Tatiana Miranda Deliberador, DDS, M.Sc., PhD.
Camila Pereira Vianna, M.Sc.
Geninho Thomé, DDS, M.Sc., PhD.

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