Always busy and short of time in the morning? Create your Miracle Morning in just 6 minutes

A month ago we kicked off the Miracle Morning Month at blue®m. We explained why the morning can be so valuable. And in this blog we asked you to take a critical look at your own life. What would you like to change? Chances are that the morning will help you do just that. And no, we are not making that up! The tips and advice are based on the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (which we really love). From Oprah Winfrey to Bill Gates and Tony Robbins, this book teaches us that they all get up early and start the day by focusing on themselves. But how? How do we do that, get up early and start your day really well? In this blog, we will tell you how you can change your morning and thus your day (already) in just 6 minutes. Ready to change your life?!

6 minutes to a Miracle Morning 

Minute 1: Start the day in silence

“In an hour in silence you can learn more than in a year of reading books.” Imagine this: You wake up peacefully, have a good yawn, stretch and a broad smile slips across your face. You don’t rush headlong into another hectic day, but spend the first few minutes of your day sitting quietly in deliberate silence. On the edge of your bed, on the floor, on the toilet? However and wherever, you have a moment to be in this moment. This one minute is only NOW, and nothing else. You take a few deep breaths, relax your body and bring your mind to rest. You may ask yourself how you slept? How you feel? And what you might be grateful for. Finish with a positive thought or goal for the day.

Minute 2: Affirmation 

“What you think shapes your reality.” Affirmations are positive thoughts. And if you repeat them often enough, they become part of your system, your subconscious and your beliefs. Take 1 minute to fill your mind with only positivity. You can also write them down so you can read them out loud next days. “I am a beautiful person”, “I am proud of myself”, “I am happy with where I am now” and so on.

Minute 3: Visualisation 

“See things as you would like to see them, not as they are.” Close your eyes and visualise what it would be like if you had achieved your goal(s) or had what you have longed for for so long.  This can be anything. From a new job to a feeling of peace. From a loving relationship to being able to move around painlessly again. Try to see it, feel it and experience it. Just like affirmations, this also has a positive effect on your subconscious.

Minute 4: Grab pen and paper

“Whatever you write, writing words on a sheet of paper is a form of therapy that is free of charge.” Take 1 minute to write down a few things you are grateful for or proud of, and things you want to achieve that day. In this way, you will create a powerful and confident state of mind and your thoughts will linger better.

Minute 5: Read

“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. We become the books we read.” Pick up an inspiring (self-help) book or magazine and read for a minute with full attention. No doubt you will learn something new or read something that will get you thinking, motivate or inspire you.

Minute 6: Exercise

“If you don’t make time for exercise, you should probably make time for illness.” Use your last minute for exercise. The morning is the perfect time for some stretching exercises, as your body may be a little stiff from lying down for so long. Or do some sit-ups, push-ups or get into the plank position for 1 minute.

This short and accessible Miracle Morning method is only a stepping stone. Because you obviously want to extend these 6 minutes. On days when you are really busy, these 6 minutes are fine. But if you have more time on the weekend, for example, then do this morning routine at a slow pace. Take your time and do this morning routine at a slow pace, taking 5 minutes or even longer for each step.

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