Are you longing for more rhythm in your sports routine? Motivate yourself with these tips.

Last week the Dutch news announced that the restrictions of the current lockdown were being loosened by April 21st. My first thought was ‘let’s see about that’. If Corona taught me one thing it is the changeability and the ignorance of life. We can’t predict the future. Even the smartest people don’t have answers to certain questions. Whilst I am writing this piece, a news bulletin pops up on my screen ‘Dutch government once again pushes the loosening of restrictions further into the future due to high percentage of contamination with Covid-19’. Deep sigh… Despite the realization that we have so little certainty, my heart sinks again. When will things return to somewhat normal? I notice that I especially long for my old sports routine. My weekly cycling workout, sport lessons with friends and the third half after a game of tennis. Longing to the moment that all would be possible again. But the more I long for that, the less I focus on what I can do right now and the fun in that. My motivation is starting to lack but, just for a short time. Soon realisation hits. Only I can muster up the courage to have fun and to start moving and finding the motivation to go for it. This is the one thing that I do control in life! In this blog I will show you 5 valuable and motivational tips that helped me (and still are helping) when life knocks me down.

1. Look on the bright side

‘Whenever you are thinking you can or can’t do it. You are right’. This quote I found on social media and stuck with me since. Stop talking negative thoughts to yourself and replace these with encouraging words. Keep on saying you CAN do it. Think positive. For example: ‘Today I am going to ride 10km on my bike. The sun is shining, today is going to be a great day! Excited!’. You see what the effect is? Keep staying positive and you will feel better in an instant. Make feeling good a top priority. When you are feeling good, you will start feeling more motivated and energized to do the things you want to do.

2. What gives you energy?

Make a list for yourself containing 10 things that energize you. Mark the ones you can and are allowed to do right now. One of my 10 things is sand yachting. Last weekend I saw a photo of a colleague who went sand yachting on the beach of Brouwerdam. Awesome! It opened my eyes that due to all the restrictions there are things allowed and possible to do, if you want to do it. A nice outcome is that I would have never thought of sand yachting if I was in my normal sporting routine. Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and try some new sports. I am very much looking forward to my first ride on the beach.

3. Write down your excuses or barriers

Keep sticking to your pen and paper and write down the reasons you stop doing what you want to do. What are those barriers that keep you from doing things you want to do? Take a moment to look at your list and start reading between the lines, write down the solution to break these barriers. It will give you valuable information about your fears and excuses and how to tackle them to start doing what you want to do. I will give you one important tip; be kind to yourself, but try to step out of your comfort zone!

4. Don’t be so hard on yourself

Did someone ever say that you have to workout everyday? Or that everything must be done perfectly? Nobody is perfect. No way. The more you ask yourself to do, the higher the risk of failing to do so some day. You don’t have to push yourself to the limit each day. A nice walk, a bike ride through your neighborhood or just some simple stretching are great exercises for your physical and mental health. The fun and fanatic workout will be there on a different day, trust me.

5. Be inspired, every day. 

Inspiration may be the best motivation. And the best thing is: it isn’t that hard to get inspired every day. Just take it as a push in the right direction, a reminder, a helping hand. My sources of inspiration? Psychologie MagazineGet Salt,  Mind Cafe, books of inspiring people, Instagram accounts of people that sync with me, music or just a good talk with someone. There are so many motivational, inspiring and educational moments in the day to day life, all you have to do is see them. So open yourself up to see and feel!

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