The importance of a good oxygen
That we humans cannot live without oxygen is of course nothing new. The oxygen enters the body through the air we breathe and passes through the lungs and into the bloodstream. The blood ensures that all cells are supplied with oxygen, and all organs and muscles receive enough energy to be able to function. Good and healthy breathing therefore also affects your overall health. If you are often short of breath, or if you are in poor condition, this will also affect the functioning of your organs.
So you reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis by exercising and thus providing your body with a better oxygen supply. The more you train your heart, being challenged by a higher heart rate, the less oxygen it needs to perform tasks. You will be able to move more easily and go for a day long hike or when you are an ambitious cyclist, test your boundaries on the Tour de France. One thing is for sure you less likely feel tired or be out of breath.
Besides the fact that oxygen is the engine behind all organs, it also has an important function for oral health. More exercise also means better resistance and better circulation, which in turn is important for teeth. A good immune system reduces the risk of inflammation, and a good blood circulation keeps the gums healthy thanks to the white blood cells that fight harmful bacteria. Sufficient exercise, sports, fitness training, or providing your body with a good oxygen supply is very important for your overall health. With sufficient exercise and sports we do not mean that you should follow the training schedule of a top athlete. In fact, top sport can have adverse effects on dental health but we won’t get into that today.
To boost your body, to provide it with more oxygen, we have put together a full body workout. A workout for which you do not have to spend hours in the gym. Short, but powerful is the theme of this workout. And ideal, you can also do the exercises in the living room. Or to save some precious time, try planking while rinsing your mouth!
Full Body Workout
Before you start the four exercises below, it is important that you are well warmed up. Get on your bike or cross trainer for 20 minutes, walk up and down the stairs a few times or jog around the block for a few minutes. A warming up is not only to prevent injuries, but also because you move much more comfortably and easily when you are warm. Once warmed up? Then we are ready for the following exercises of the full body workout!
Exercise 1: Plank
- Lift your body off the ground by leaning on your hands and toes.
- Then keep your back straight so that your body is in a straight line.
Exercise 2: Jump Squat
1. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Slowly bend your hips and knees until your upper and lower legs are at a 90-degree angle.
3. Push your bottom well back while doing this, as if you were sitting on something.
4. Then jump up powerfully and land back in the squat position.
Oefening 3: Dips
- Place your hands behind you on a chair or bench with the palms facing away from you.
- Push yourself up. This is the starting position.
- Slowly lower yourself through your arms. Sink until your elbows are level with your shoulders
- Then push yourself back up again.
Exercise 4: Pulse up
- Lie on your back with your hands under your bottom or just next to it so that you are more stable.
- Now bring your legs up into the air until you make a 90 degree angle.
- Push your feet towards the ceiling so that your buttocks are off the ground.
- Slowly sink back down, and repeat.
Get it on with the Full Body Workout! You can do it!