Why morning exercise is so important, especially for you!
“People do not decide their futures; they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures”
Especially for you. You who are not a morning person. You’d rather snooze five times. And never schedules appointments early in the day: Can we have your attention for a moment?
Have you ever heard anyone say that slacking off in the morning, spending hours in the bed smelling bad, sleeping too many hours and being anything but productive is a good start to your day? No, neither have we. Yet there are still so many people who barely see the value of the morning. Who, consciously or unconsciously, simply let the morning pass them by. But at the end of the day, they complain that they always have too little time. Doing sports? No time. A quick chat with colleagues or friends after work? Busy busy busy. Recognisable? Of course you do! We all recognise this. The question is: do you take it for granted or do you allow yourself to get more out of life?
Miracle Morning Month
Last week began the Miracle Morning Month at Bluem. Or in other words, we’ll be focusing on the morning for the next few weeks. Why? Because the first ritual of the day has the biggest impact of all. It determines your mentality, mood, fitness and context for the rest of the day. In addition, it is a moment when we can start all over again, as it were. A fresh start for your mind, but also for your body. Did you know, for example, that exercising in the morning is of extra great value for improving your overall health? That’s what we’re going to talk about today: why exercising in the morning can bring us a healthier, happier and longer life. We will do this by using the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (really a great book).

The value of the morning is universal
Many experts, top athletes and even certain philosophies believe that exercise should be a key part of your morning routine. Take Oriental culture as an example; in China and Japan, people deliberately get up early to start the day. Elderly people in particular stick to getting up early because they believe it is healthy. Both young and old go early to the nearby parks to do morning exercises and Tai Chi (Chinese martial arts). In addition, a lot of research has been done into various pillars that promote a longer, happier and, above all, healthier life. Take the well-known Blue Zones as an example. The world has five places, or Blue Zones, where people live longer and healthier lives than anywhere else in the world. People who live in one of these places live to be 90 or even 100 years old on average, in good health and without medication or disability.
They have nine common characteristics, and two of them are; natural exercise and having a goal when you start your day. In other words, no gym, but living in an environment that encourages you to move without thinking. And know what you want to wake up for in the morning. Having a goal can add seven years to your life expectancy. If you are not convinced yet, read on. There are even more reasons to start your mornings more actively and consciously from now on.
Boost your metabolism
Active exercise (yoga/stretching/walking/some simple exercises) in the morning, as soon as you get up, wakes up your body and your mind. You get your metabolism going, make your muscles and joints supple and stimulate your circulation. In addition, your body burns more calories throughout the day when you are active in the morning. Especially if you have to sit all day for work, doing your exercises in the morning is the best choice.
More energy
As you have read above, having a goal is essential for a healthy, happy and long life. But in order to achieve these goals, you need energy. By starting your day actively, you are giving your body the fuel, the new energy to make your goals come true. You will be able to work more efficiently and have fewer ‘slump moments’ throughout the day.

Less stress
You have probably heard or read it somewhere; exercise activates the happiness chemicals in your brain (such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins). It puts you in a better mood, makes you more alert mentally and less likely to suffer from stress and depression.
You are more focused
By doing exercises in the morning, you immediately increase the supply of oxygen to your brain and the rest of your body. Oxygen is the engine of everything in your body. The more consciously you take in oxygen in the morning, the better it can do its work for your body and the better you will function. In all areas.
You add more time to your day
Last but not least, it is in the morning that you save the most time. So, do you regularly hit the snooze button or do you always have an excuse ready when time is short? Then please consider this article. Think of the inhabitants of the Blue Zones, Japan, China and other Oriental countries, where they grow old and healthy by waking up early and starting the day actively. In future, get up just a little earlier. Even if it is only ten minutes. It is enough to do a few exercises that will bring you more energy, health and time. Worth a try, right?