Following the TOOTh guidelines for an angular bone defect

8 mm pocket with angular bone loss

Drs. Ronald Muts sees a 59 year old male in his esthetic practice in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. This man has an angular loss of bone distal of his last lower molar. The pocket depth distal of the 36 is measured at 8 mm. The initial situation is captured on an x-ray.

Cleaning, instructing and starting the protocol

Drs. Muts decides to do ultrasonic cleaning and curettage of this area. He practices this under local anesthesia. The patient is instructed to practice good oral hygiene and follow the TOOTh guidelines. This means: brushing, rinsing and applying active oxygen twice a day.

New measurements after two years

The patient keeps visiting Ronald his practice on a regular basis and still receives oral hygiene instruction. After two years of strictly following the TOOTh guidelines, a new x-ray is taken. This shows an equal bone level on the mesial and distal side of element 36.

4 mm reduction of the pocket

The pocket is now measured at 4 mm, which is a reduction of 4 mm. There is new bone growth visible, both clinically and on the x-ray. This is made possible by thorough curettage, good oral hygiene instructions and regular use of oxygenated products with lactoferrin, which stimulates the osteoblasts to grow new bone.

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